With the story behind Chris Benoit contracting a brain disease (CTE) caused by untreated concussions over his career, Daniel Bryan's comments over concussions on...
Christopher Nowinski, who runs the Concussion Legacy Foundation out of Boston, MA, was backstage at RAW last night in Boston.Awesome seeing @ChrisNowinski1 backstage at...
In an interview with the BBC, Fandango said that Chris Nowinski's concussion research will be beneficial to wrestlers. He suffered a concussion himself in...
-- Christopher Nowinski will appear on Katie Couric's show tomorrow, discussing traumatic head injuries and his Sports Legacy Institute's research into CTE.
-- New WWE...
Credit: Newsday.com
Prior to the WWE being honored by the Sports Legacy Institute, Christopher Nowinski spoke about his time with the company and more. Here...
The Sports Legacy sent out the following today…
Annual Boston event raises funds for concussion advocacy, awareness, education, and research, and recognizes individuals and organizations...
-- In addition to Stephanie McMahon turning 36 years old today, former WWE superstar Christopher Nowinski turns 34.
-- The official theme song for October's...
Credit: ArabTimesOnline.com
Former WWE star Chris Nowinski recently spoke about his new documentary on concussions. Here are the highlights…
On His Health: "I can't drive without...