During Sunday night's WWE NXT: Vengeance Day 2024 pay-per-view event, a cryptic vignette aired teasing the arrival of a new Superstar. The vignette features...
Lyra Valkyria will be defending her WWE NXT Women’s Championship against Roxanne Perez at this Sunday's Vengeance Day pay-per-view event, and Shawn Michaels was...
WWE has announced a match and segment for next week's episode of NXT, including a contract signing featuring Lyra Valkyria and Roxanne Perez.
You can...
Grayson Waller has been “suspended” from WWE.
For those who didn't see it, Waller was involved in a verbal confrontation with Shawn Michaels during the...
As previously reported, Dijak suffered a finger injury during Saturday night's WWE NXT Vengeance Day pay-per-view event. In solidarity, Bray Wyatt posted an injury...
Ouch man!
Saturday night's WWE NXT: Vengeance Day pay-per-view event kicked off with a North American Championship match featuring Wes Lee and Dijak, with the...
We've got several new matches announced for the WWE NXT Vengeance Day pay-per-view event following this week’s episode of NXT.
The event, which takes place...
As seen during Sunday night's WWE NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day pay-per-view event, Adam Cole superkicked Finn Balor out of nowhere. Following the attack, The...
According to a report from Pwinsider, there were no injuries coming out of last night's WWE NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day event.
Mercedes Martinez’ WWE NXT...
As seen during Sunday night's WWE NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day event, Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai won the women's Dusty Rhodes tag-team classic and...
WWE sent out the following press release today, revealing that the next NXT TakeOver special, which will take place on Sunday, February 14 (Valentine's...